論文關(guān)鍵詞: 節(jié)水 地面 灌溉技術(shù)

Paper keywords: ground irrigation technology
Abstract: the surface irrigation is the old field water technology, but it still is one of the world, especially developing countries a irrigation method is widely used, more than about 90% of irrigated area in the world. Our country has more than 98% of the irrigated area is still using conventional surface irrigation technology.
In view of the shortage of water resources and energy in our country, economic strength is insufficient, the reality of the low level of technical management in rural areas, large extension, micro-irrigation, etc advanced irrigation technology has a lot of limitations, so in the future quite a long time, our country still must increase the intensity of field engineering construction, vigorously research and the promotion of water-saving irrigation technology of ground.
A, the status of water-saving irrigation in our country
In recent years, our country attaches great importance to and strengthen the construction of water conservancy facilities, to water saving potentialities and transformation as the center, strengthen irrigation and water conservancy infrastructure construction. Implemented small irrigation and water conservancy project, the renovation and extension of form a complete set of water-saving and water-saving efficiency demonstration, at the end of the canal system retrofit projects, water rights conversion and so on, effectively improve the regulation ability of water resources and utilization efficiency. In facility agriculture and characteristic agriculture area, the low pressure tube filling, drip irrigation, sprinkler irrigation and other water-saving irrigation technology modernization, promoting the development of the modern water saving agriculture. Take siping liaohe irrigation area as an example, so far, in the development of water-saving irrigation project area of 100000 mu, a total investment of 20 million yuan. The canal seepage control area of 11000 mu, the low pressure pipeline irrigation area of 30000 mu, spray microspray irrigation area of 40000 mu. Developing ground hose non-engineering water-saving irrigation measures such as irrigation, furrow irrigation area of 10000 mu. Can water saving 40 million cubic meters, yield 10 million kilograms, the popularization and application of water-saving irrigation technology, improve the utilization rate of water and output efficiency, alleviate the contradiction between supply and demand of water resources, promote the adjustment of agricultural planting structure, peasants' and workers' income increase and regional water resources balance, improving the ecological environment, driving the development of water-saving irrigation equipment industry
Second, water-saving irrigation technology and development trend
   目前,比較有發(fā)展?jié)摿Φ墓?jié)水灌溉新技術(shù)是:一是與生物技術(shù)相結(jié)合的作物調(diào)控灌溉技術(shù)。 就是從作物生理角度出發(fā),在一定時(shí)期主動(dòng)施加一定程度有益的虧水度,使作物經(jīng)歷有益的虧水鍛煉,改善品質(zhì),控制上部旺長(zhǎng),實(shí)現(xiàn)矮化密植,到達(dá)節(jié)水增產(chǎn)的目的。二是應(yīng)用3S技術(shù)的精細(xì)灌溉技術(shù)。就是運(yùn)用全球衛(wèi)星定位系統(tǒng)(GPS)和地理信息系統(tǒng)(GIS),遙感技術(shù)(RS)和計(jì)算機(jī)控制系統(tǒng),實(shí)時(shí)獲取農(nóng)用小區(qū)作物生長(zhǎng)實(shí)際需求的信息,通過信息處理與分析,按需給作物進(jìn)行施水的技術(shù),可以最大限度提高水資源的利用率和土地的產(chǎn)業(yè)率。這是農(nóng)田灌溉學(xué)科發(fā)展的熱點(diǎn)和農(nóng)業(yè)新技術(shù)革命的重要內(nèi)容。 三是智能化節(jié)水灌溉裝備技術(shù)。就是把生物學(xué)、自動(dòng)控制、微電子、人工智能、信息科學(xué)等高新技術(shù)集成節(jié)水灌溉機(jī)械與設(shè)備,適時(shí)地檢測(cè)土壤和作物的水分,按照作物不同的需水要求來(lái)實(shí)施變量施水,達(dá)到最優(yōu)的節(jié)水增產(chǎn)效果。
At present, more development potential of water saving irrigation technology is: one is combined with a biotech crops irrigation technology. Is from the perspective of crop physiology, active impose a certain degree useful in a certain period of water deficit degree, crops through beneficial exercise water losses and improve the quality, control the upper prosperous long, realize the dwarf dense planting, reach the water-saving production purpose. Second, application of 3 s technology of precise irrigation technology. Is the use of global positioning system (GPS) and geographic information system (GIS), remote sensing (RS) technology and computer control system, real-time access to agricultural of information of crop growth needs, through processing and analyzing information, on demand for crops for water technology, to maximize the utilization of water resources and the rate of the industry land. This is a hot spot of the development of irrigation and the important content of agricultural new technology revolution. Three is the intelligent technology of water-saving irrigation equipment. Is the automatic control, microelectronics, biology, artificial intelligence, information science and other high and new technology integrated water-saving irrigation machinery and equipment, timely detection of moisture of soil and crop, according to the different crops water requirements to the implementation of variable water, achieve optimal water saving effect to increase production.
Water-saving irrigation technology in our country presents the following trends: one is spray irrigation technology is still the field of water-saving irrigation for agricultural mechanization of main technology, the research direction is further energy conservation and comprehensive utilization. Different irrigation models have their own advantages and disadvantages, to adjust measures to local conditions into account. Disc artificial mobile sprinkler sprinkler and hose volume is suitable for China's national conditions. 2 it is underground irrigation has been recognized as a most promising high efficient water-saving irrigation technology. Although there are some problems at the moment, the application promotion speed is slow, but as the solution of the key technologies, will get a certain development in the future. Three is the surface irrigation is still the world's dominant irrigation technology. With the mature of efficient field irrigation technology, ShuPeiShui low-pressure pipelining the trend of the development of the direction. Four is agricultural efficient water saving irrigation technology management level is higher and higher. Application of expert system, computer network technology, control technology resources database, the simulation model of integration, to achieve, empty, quantity, quality, and the precision irrigation, is the focus of future research.
Third, policy Suggestions of developing water-saving irrigation technology
One is to improve the understanding of the development of water-saving irrigation technology. China is a country with a shortage of water resources, as the population increases, economic development, social progress and agricultural irrigation water to total water basic without increasing safeguard food security in China, only to the road of connotative development, must be on the development road of water-saving irrigation. Therefore, we should step up publicity and education of development water saving irrigation technology, make the whole society to care about water saving irrigation technology, form good water-saving irrigation technology development environment.
  二是節(jié)水灌溉技術(shù)發(fā)展要符合農(nóng)村實(shí)際。一是因地制宜,繼續(xù)普及與推廣噴、微灌技術(shù)。在節(jié)水灌溉模式中,噴、微灌應(yīng)用越來(lái)越多,目前國(guó)內(nèi)外噴、微灌技術(shù)正朝著低壓、節(jié)能、多目標(biāo)利用、產(chǎn)品標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化、系列化及運(yùn)行管理 自動(dòng)化方向發(fā)展。二是灌溉渠系管道化。我國(guó)已基本普及了井灌區(qū)低壓管道輸水技術(shù) ,今后的發(fā)展方向是大型渠灌區(qū)渠系管道化,并加快相應(yīng)大口徑塑料管材的開發(fā)生產(chǎn)。
2 it is to conform to the rural practical water-saving irrigation technology development. One is adjust measures to local conditions, continue to spray, micro-irrigation technology popularization and promotion. In water-saving irrigation mode, and microspray irrigation is used more and more, spray, micro-irrigation technology at home and abroad are moving in low pressure, energy-saving, multipurpose utilization, automation of product standardization, seriation and operation direction. Second, the irrigation canal system pipelining. Our country has been basically popularized the area of low pressure pipeline technology, the future development direction is a large canal irrigation canal system pipelining, and accelerate the development of corresponding large-diameter plastic pipe material production.
  三是現(xiàn)代精細(xì)地面灌溉技術(shù)。由于我國(guó)地面灌溉量大、面廣,需要采用推廣應(yīng)用激光控制平地技術(shù)、水平畦田灌溉技術(shù)、田問閘管灌溉系統(tǒng)以及土壤墑情自動(dòng)監(jiān)測(cè)技術(shù)等一切改進(jìn)地面灌溉措施,逐步實(shí)現(xiàn) 田間灌溉水的有效控制和適時(shí)適量的精細(xì)灌溉 。
Three is the modern fine ground irrigation technology. Due to the large amount of surface irrigation and surface broad, application need to be adopted to control the ground laser technology, horizontal border check irrigation technology, tian asked brake pipe irrigation and soil moisture all improved surface irrigation measures such as automatic monitoring technology, and gradually achieve the effective control of the field irrigation water and timely proper irrigation.
  四是研究和推廣非充分灌溉技術(shù)。非充分灌溉理論將與生物技術(shù)、信息技術(shù)及“四水”轉(zhuǎn)化理論等高新節(jié)水技術(shù)和理論相結(jié)合,創(chuàng)建新的灌溉理論及技術(shù)體系。五是“3S”技術(shù)在農(nóng)業(yè)節(jié)水中的應(yīng)用。如果能在農(nóng)業(yè)節(jié)水中推廣應(yīng)用“3S”技術(shù)產(chǎn)生的節(jié)水效能將是革命性的。 此外,國(guó)外還 出現(xiàn) 了地面浸潤(rùn)灌溉、坡地灌水管灌溉、土壤網(wǎng)灌溉、繩索控制灌溉等新的節(jié)水灌溉技術(shù),都對(duì)我國(guó)的節(jié)水灌溉有積極的參考借鑒意義。 對(duì)于沙漠地區(qū)和缺乏淡水的沿海地區(qū),利用空氣中的水分進(jìn)行灌溉是一種可取的方法,但如何降低成本,提高效率和實(shí)用性是今后應(yīng)著重解決的問題。總而言之,節(jié)水灌溉工程推廣,任重而道遠(yuǎn)。我們有理由相信,通過節(jié)水灌溉的逐步推廣使用,實(shí)現(xiàn)水資源的科學(xué)開發(fā),實(shí)現(xiàn)水資源的可持續(xù)利用,指日可待。
Four is the study and promotion of non sufficient irrigation technology. Non full irrigation theory and biotechnology, information technology and the transformation of "four water" and other high and new water-saving technology and theory, combining to create a new system of irrigation theory and technology. Five is the application of "3 s" technology in agricultural water saving. If we can application in agricultural water saving water-saving efficiency of "3 s" technology is revolutionary. Abroad also appeared the ground slope infiltration irrigation, irrigation pipe irrigation, soil net irrigation, rope control irrigation and new water-saving irrigation techniques, both for China's water-saving irrigation has positive reference significance. In desert areas and the lack of fresh water in coastal areas, the use of the moisture in the air for irrigation is a desirable method, but how to reduce costs, improve efficiency and practicability is the problem to be solved in the future. To sum up, promoting water-saving irrigation project, a long way to go. We have reason to believe that, through the gradually promote the use of water-saving irrigation, realize the scientific development of the water resources, to achieve the sustainable utilization of water resources. Just around the corner.