Excel是大家很熟悉的辦公,相信大家在工作中經(jīng)常使用吧。在測量工作中,你是否感覺到有很不方便的時候?比如,計算一個角度的三角函數(shù)值,而角度的單位是60進制的,此時,你一定感到很無奈,因為,Excel本身無法直接計算60進制的角度的三角函數(shù)!還有,如果你的工作表中有了點坐標(biāo)值(二維或者三維),要在中展繪出來,怎樣才能又快又直接?不然,就只有拐彎摸角了,很痛苦!其實,只要對 Excel進行一些挖掘,就可以發(fā)現(xiàn)Excel的功能我們還沒有好好的利用呢。Excel本身提供了強大的二次開發(fā)功能,只要我們仔細的研究,沒有什么能難倒我們的。下面,好好筆者將帶你走近Excel,認識它的強大的二次開發(fā)環(huán)境VBAIDE,用它來解決上面所提到的問題,就非常容易了。



Public Const pi = 3.14159265359

Public Function DEG(n As Double)

Dim A As Double, B As Double, C As Double, D As Double, E As Double, F As Double, G As Double, KA As Double

D = Abs(n) + 0.000000000000001

F = Sgn(n)

A = Int(D)

B = Int((D - A) * 100)

C = D - A - B / 100

DEG = F * (A + B / 60 + C / 0.36) * pi / 180

End Function




Dim m As Integer, n As Integer, ms As Double, gg As Double, sht As Object, xx As Double, yy As Double, S As Double

Set sht = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet

Do While sht.Cells(m + 3, 4) <> ""

m = m + 1


For n = 3 To m + 2

ms = DEG(ms) + DEG(sht.Cells(n, 4))

ms = RAD(ms)

S = S + sht.Cells(n, 3)


ms = DEG(ms)

gg = RAD(DEG(sht.Cells(3, 5)) + ms - DEG(sht.Cells(3 + m, 5)) - pi * m)

xx = 0: yy = 0

For n = 4 To m + 2


sht.Cells(n, 5) = RAD(DEG(sht.Cells(n - 1, 5)) + DEG(sht.Cells(n - 1, 4)) - pi - DEG(gg) / m)


sht.Cells(n, 6) = Format(sht.Cells(n - 1, 3) * Cos(DEG(sht.Cells(n, 5))), "#####.####")

sht.Cells(n, 7) = Format(sht.Cells(n - 1, 3) * Sin(DEG(sht.Cells(n, 5))), "#####.####")


xx = xx + sht.Cells(n, 6)

yy = yy + sht.Cells(n, 7)


xx = xx + sht.Cells(3, 10) - sht.Cells(m + 2, 10)

yy = yy + sht.Cells(3, 11) - sht.Cells(m + 2, 11)

sht.Cells(m + 4, 5) = "△α=" & Format(gg, "###.######")

sht.Cells(m + 4, 6) = "X=" & Format(xx, "###.###")

sht.Cells(m + 4, 7) = "Y=" & Format(yy, "###.###")

sht.Cells(m + 4, 3) = "S=" & Format(S, "###.###")

sht.Cells(m + 4, 9) = "S=" & Format(Sqr(xx * xx + yy * yy), "###.###")

sht.Cells(m + 4, 10) = "相對精度 1/" & Format(S / Sqr(xx * xx + yy * yy), "######")

For n = 4 To m + 2

sht.Cells(n, 8) = Format(xx / S * sht.Cells(n - 1, 3), "###.####")

sht.Cells(n, 9) = Format(yy / S * sht.Cells(n - 1, 3), "###.####")


For n = 4 To m + 1

sht.Cells(n, 10) = sht.Cells(n - 1, 10) + sht.Cells(n, 6) - sht.Cells(n, 8)

sht.Cells(n, 11) = sht.Cells(n - 1, 11) + sht.Cells(n, 7) - sht.Cells(n, 9)



    Selection.NumberFormatLocal = "0.000_ "

End Sub

Public Function RAD(Nu As Double) As Double

Dim A As Double, B As Double, C As Double, D As Double, E As Double, F As Double, G As Double, p As Double

D = Abs(Nu)

F = Sgn(Nu)

p = 180# / pi

G = p * 60#

A = Int(D * p)

B = Int((D - A / p) * G)

W = B

C = (D - A / p - B / G) * 20.62648062

RAD = (C + A + B / 100) * F

End Function





Global Sheet As Object, acadmtext As acadmtext, fontHight As Double

 Global xlBook As Excel.Workbook

Global p0(2) As Double, p1(2) As Double, p2(2) As Double

Global acadApp As AcadApplication

Global acadDoc As AcadDocument

Global acadPoint As acadPoint

 Global number As Integer

 Public Type pt

 n As Integer

 pt(2) As Double

Global pt() As pt

 Global text1 As AcadText

   Global CAD As Object

   Global p(2) As Double, i As Integer, j As Integer

      Global h As Integer, l As Integer

Public Function Get_ACAD(Dwt As String) As Boolean

 Dim YER As Integer

    On Error Resume Next

    Set acadApp = GetObject(, "AutoCAD.Application")

    If Err Then


        Set acadApp = CreateObject("AutoCAD.Application")

        If Err Then

            MsgBox Err.Description

            On Error GoTo 0

            Get_ACAD = False

            Exit Function

        End If

    End If

    On Error GoTo 0

Set acadDoc = acadApp.ActiveDocument

    acadApp.Visible = True

    Get_ACAD = True


    Dim typeFace As String

    Dim Bold As Boolean

    Dim Italic As Boolean

    Dim charSet As Long

    Dim PitchandFamily As Long

    acadDoc.ActiveTextStyle.GetFont typeFace, Bold, Italic, charSet, PitchandFamily

acadDoc.ActiveTextStyle.SetFont "宋體", Bold, Italic, charSet, PitchandFamily

End Function

Sub 顯示對話框()

Form1.Show (0)

End Sub

Public Function Draw_Point(Point() As Double) As acadPoint

    Set Draw_Point = acadDoc.ModelSpace.AddPoint(Point)


End Function

Public Sub Set_layer(s As String)

    Dim layerObj As AcadLayer

    Set layerObj = acadDoc.Layers.Add(s)

    acadDoc.ActiveLayer = layerObj

End Sub




Dim p0(2) As Double, p1(2) As Double, p2(2) As Double

Dim T1 As Double, T2 As Double, T3 As Double, T4 As Double

Public ne As Integer, sp As Single, cz As Single

Call Get_ACAD("")

Dim txt As AcadText

Dim la As AcadLayer

For Each Layer In acadDoc.ModelSpace


Call Set_layer("zdh")

Set Sheet = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet

Dim i As Integer

Do While Sheet.Cells(i + 1, 3) <> "" Or Sheet.Cells(i + 1, 1) <> ""

If Sheet.Cells(i + 1, 3) = "" Or Sheet.Cells(i + 1, 4) = "" Then GoTo II

With Sheet

p1(0) = .Cells(i + 1, 3).Value

p1(1) = .Cells(i + 1, 4).Value

p1(2) = .Cells(i + 1, 5).Value

End With

p(0) = p1(0)

p(1) = p1(1)

Call Set_layer("ZDH")

Call Draw_Point(p1)

 fontHight = TextBox5.Value

If Cells(i + 1, 2) = "" Then GoTo oo

Set txt = acadDoc.ModelSpace.AddText(Cells(i + 1, 2), p, fontHight)

txt.Color = acMagenta


If Cells(i + 1, 5) = "" Then GoTo II

Set_layer ("GCD")

p(1) = p1(1) - fontHight

Set txt = acadDoc.ModelSpace.AddText(Format(Cells(i + 1, 5), "00.0"), p, fontHight)

txt.Color = acMagenta


i = i + 1


End Sub

  當(dāng)然,你在Excel上同樣可以再加個工具按鈕,比如叫“展點”,指定宏為“顯示對話框”,只要你的Excel有了X,Y或者X,Y,Z(格式如下表),點擊“展點” 就可以自動啟動A utoCAD展點啦!當(dāng)然,如果A utoCAD已經(jīng)啟動,就直接在已經(jīng)打開的A utoCAD文檔中展點,展點完畢后,會顯示一個對話框,提示“展點完畢“,再切換到A utoCAD看看,你所要展的點是否已經(jīng)出現(xiàn)了?如果沒有輸入錯誤,應(yīng)該可以得到滿意的結(jié)果。如果有點號,還可以顯示點號,并且可以輸入字體的高度。


  下面是坐標(biāo)格式,其中第一列為點名,第二列為編碼(可以為空),第三列為X,第四列為Y,第五列為高程。注意,X,YA utoCAD的橫坐標(biāo)和縱坐標(biāo),與測量坐標(biāo)系不同。
